In December of 2007 I created my @martingeddes Twitter account. Initially I didn’t do much with it, and only slowly grew an audience of around under 10,000 followers by the end of 2017. My focus was relatively obscure telecoms issues, with an occasional quip about the world.
Since then I have refocused on the most important geopolitical events of our time, and their impact on the broader tech and media world. I have also expanded to become a popular photo artist, rebalancing my intellectual pursuits with more intuitive ones.
My following grew to over 250,000 followers in the next three years. This involved many thousands of hours of work, and was also a significant source of both family income and personal creative joy.
In the early hours of Saturday 9th January I received the following email from Twitter:

This is not a surprise to me, given the mass purge of anyone who who objects to the corrupt and authoritarian radical left running the tech and media industries. I am in good company in being banned, including the present lawfully elected President of the United States. I have already experienced censorship by Medium, Patreon, YouTube, ConvertKit, Dropbox, and Mailchimp, so deplatforming is a business process I have become accustomed to.
I am particularly proud of my “photo walks” — the image above is one of the last I posted. Now more than any time people need calming beauty that unifies us through shared humanity. Many people have written to me expressing their feelings, and asking where my work might be found instead.
I am continuing to post my art on Twitter as @MartinGeddesArt. I will be seeking alternative ways of distributing my work soon, so as a first step I invite you to join my art mailing list:
Twitter is involved in serious criminal activity as part of an ongoing Bolshevik style insurrection in the United States. They have taken out the core network of its most ardent users to attempt to control information flow in society. There will be severe consequences for what they have done to me and many others.
The following tweet was appropriately my last after 13 years:

I will save up my commentary on the personal impact of this censorship and the hypocritical silence of many who claim to support free speech. I have needed time to process all of this, deal with the immediate fallout, and think through my next steps.
I will soon make announcements here on where to find my ideas and shared content in future. I appreciate all correspondence, but on this one occasion would ask you to wait and refrain from bombarding me with requests for my new social media outlets!