Keep smiling: the end of corruption in Britain

Summary of the transition that Britain may face as genocidal Globalism is removed

I keep track of many anonymous accounts on social media, and it is always a challenge to discern who is speaking truth, and what agenda is being pushed. I wish to highlight one account on X that is making very bold assertions — PeckerwQQd — and summarise what is being said. I offer no endorsement or refutation: it is your task to decide where this falls among larp, prescience, forewarning, predictive programming, disinformation, fantasy fiction, and horror story. There may be errors in my summary, so you have to examine the source data yourself.

As context, what happens when you end an undeclared war of infiltration that has been running for decades (and far longer)? An unseen enemy has brainwashed the native population, who have been targeted for eradication, enslavement, and replacement. Confronting this nightmare is inevitably going to be messy, just I don’t think people have quite grasped how unpleasant it may be. “Military is the only way” on a global scale has consequences beyond anything I could have conceived of back in the 2018 era. What is written below may shock or upset you.

I have had a very sobering few days chewing it over, and the implications for many people I know and hold dear. There are networks of similarly anonymous and controversial accounts, which are credible as being quasi-official, and they repost each other in validation. Many of my readers have vigorous opinions on these accounts, and I have my own private opinions that evolve over time. I cannot over-emphasise that this is only my personal summary of what is being publicly said by an anonymous source.

It is 100% incumbent upon you to research and discern where this data fits into an information war.

Centuries of corruption and atrocities

We are removing a 6000 year old cult that has inflicted at least 500 years of malfeasance on Britain. The damage is so great that it has taken centuries to get the courage to reverse the decline.

The serious rot began before WW2, and they have tried to collapse the UK and run it into the ground. People have no idea what has gone on since 1945, and it will blow your mind to find out. WW2 never ended, and is still going on today. You are a slave to bankers, who abuse you when they want, as you see now with constant price rises.

What has transpired is heinous: human farming by Nazis, with the masses treated as lab rats — whose sex can even be changed. As a result, everything is corrupt — especially local councils.

Our children keep being actively exposed to all degeneracies. They fall victim to liberal fallacies over and over again, who are engaged in ideologies of self-destruction.

Criminal governments have been complicit in keeping people ill. Hospitals are slaughterhouses; pharma companies are just drug pushers.

We have also been targeted for replacement of the native people over many decades as a consequence of being ruled by people who hate God’s children.

The whole truth would put many in hospital — “They are beyond sick and the truth will make you all mental cases”. Never again can such evil be allowed in this kingdom.

We have less than a decade left to rescue the nation.

Many are too far gone, and won’t make it: if not awake now, they never will be. This is the result of 50+ years of conditioning, propaganda, and lies. Generations have been brainwashed, with mind control from cradle to grave. The indoctrination leaves no child unscathed. The enemy even decides when you will die.

The problem is not limited to Britain — for instance, with the space programme the Nazis took over America, and then the world.

Counter-revolution against covert dictatorship

These 500 years of lies are going in the bin. We are fixing WW2 — the Q drops are referenced extensively as part of this process. Everything is being done by the law, and we are breaking all the curses.

He who laughs last laughs loudest, as they say. Those “playing the game” have all been taken down. What is coming is sad — but necessary for British people’s children, and the future of this kingdom.

Maybe you had 3½ good years under Trump. Now you get 3½ years of all hell breaking loose. It will be off the charts, and we have hard times in front of us. You may have heard of civil war, but there won’t be one. If you point a gun, it’s goodnight. That’s our future to come.

The time remaining for those who have been profiting by selling off their country, and living a wealthy life with blood money, will be limited. They are not taking a penny out of this nation, especially if clothed in a shroud.

Many (criminals) will be transferred to a new world — somewhere special for life. Many will be put down on the spot in their homes.

Any foreign national will have to leave this kingdom, and return home with any children also. British citizenship will not be granted to anyone, and will be revoked from many. You will be sent to your own country.

It will be Biblical! No escape means no escape.

The real British monarchy and constitution

We will always have a monarchy in this kingdom — always. We are a monarchy now, with a Queen of the “God line”, being the only real monarchy on Earth. She is our military’s commander in chief. She is online and watching us. York is our symbolic heart — and the RAF are drawing roses in the air to make the point.

The City of London, and its poodle in Westminster, will no longer act as an independent city state. They are returning to be part of England, which itself is returning to 1690 constitutional law.

Any 1690 law that was broken or revoked has just been signed back into law. The Magna Carta of King John will always be the law of the land, alongside God’s law. All laws passed under corrupt governments will be rescinded.

America and the United Kingdom will be one kingdom under God’s law, with the same laws in both. The Pope will never own the UK or anywhere else. Also, it isn’t Trump who is the bloodline, and it’s not his capitulation tour (where he walked in front of QE2 and sat in Churchill chair) that is how we took our sovereignty back.

Always remember Hitler never broke the law — implying legality on its own without God’s law is insufficient. The Nazis need legalised euthanasia to kill everyone off — which is something I don’t agree with personally.

Dark to light — the Great Awakening

We are engaged in the ‘art of war’, and thus currently appear weak while justice is being served out of sight. There are hundreds of ongoing operations, so no public announcements yet. When the time comes, the President will tell you, maybe alongside his generals.

Then the gates of hell will be opened, with full disclosure to the masses worldwide. It will be traumatic and distressing for everyone. Suicide week will be terrible. The criminals won’t be able to walk the streets after declassification. Everyone will choose a side: God or degenerates.

It is going to heartbreaking for people when the truth is told. Lots of tissues will be needed, given all people have been through, and the carnage coming. Only the strongest will survive the coming shock, and many will wish they hadn’t made it through.

Lockdown is coming back in 2024. Martial law is coming. Be prepared. Obey orders. There is no warning! Stay inside when asked. Once it starts then nothing can stop it. You cannot be protected if you are out the country.

Those who have struggled, been laughed at, or called an idiot: wear that “nutter” t-shirt with pride, as you are all superstars and winners.

Military law and order is coming to Britain

There are over 2 million indictments ready to be sprung in the UK, and many going to jail who think they are untouchable, including those in corrupt councils. Many of them will receive the ultimate punishment. It is no good saying “I was only obeying orders”.

There are 1 million “frogs” (i.e. troops) prepared to execute justice. It is an operation bigger than D-Day in 1944. The death penalty will be given for crimes against the British people, including treason.

Trials will be carried out in their homes. Instant justice will be served in their house, or on streets, in plain sight of everyone. This is traumatic, but doing everything in broad daylight is needed. Some on a special list will even get a personal visit from me.

Out of necessity, many pets will be put down, especially dangerous dog breeds. Even as an animal lover, humans must be given priority.

This year will be crazy and off the charts — “the end won’t be for everyone”. Continuity of Government and Judge Advocate General military tribunals are the only way.

Many you think are “immigrants” are here for a reason. They will be running things: we need them to keep hospitals, jails, care homes etc going throughout.

It will only get worse until it is finished. Just be prepared the best you can be.

If you are caught looting or burning then you will be put down on the spot. We will end all crime.

Mass deportations will nearly halve our population

There will be no evil here: only British people will stay. Everyone else will be gone.

We are reversing the weaponised migration. 30 million deportations are coming.

All benefits will be stopped.

A lot of families have a big shock coming, with misery coming for millions beyond anything they could imagine would ever happen to them. People think everything is a joke, especially in UK. They don’t realise their family is going to be torn apart. Many will meet God, and many will commit suicide.

There will be a lot more than ten planes lined, up I can assure you on that. Males go first, then the females. All will leave with nothing. Everyone will be moved safely. The country has a right to rescind and revoke anyone’s passport and citizenship. This has been in plain sight for years.

The Shamima Begum case is the critical case law precedent. A British birth or passport are meaningless in this context. More relevant law can be found in the provisions of the US Constitution (Amendment XIV), the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Naturalization Act of 1790, and United States Nationality Law. Under the pandemic treaty you can deport anyone and everyone. It is all done lawfully.

Your DNA will say if you are British. The decision is driven by genetic and cultural ties to Britain, not religion or race. European arrivals will go too. FEMA camps will be used for enemy combatants. There will be no asylum here for anyone.

Children from mixed (i.e. non-British) parents will be deported off this island, and not given British citizenship. While families will be torn apart, and it will be a big shock, the reason will be understood.

Military will go door to door to remove illegals. DNA will be used to identify their origin. You will have seven days to leave from receipt of letter, or will be forcibly removed.

American citizens may stay here — we are going back to 1690, and we are still ruling you! America has always been a British colony because the Revolutionary War was a sham. The United States never truly declared independence from Britain. The King of England financed both sides of the conflict.

Unprecedented civil unrest is coming

Once we get the green light I will show you all how to empty a big city — including London. There will be riots like we have never seen before in our lifetime — or history.

Streets will be rivers of blood due to the enormous riots. Council estates will be zoos, killing one another.

Stay out of big cities. By the time it is all over, our towns and cities will look like Gaza. Many will perish in 2024. Enjoy time now with those you love.

Those caught burning or looting will be “put down” on-site by our military.

Conscription is being reintroduced

Conscription is coming to Britain.

We need a volunteer army, and don’t have enough volunteers.

Our political leadership is not what you think

Many in politics are finished, they just don’t know it yet.

Many you think are bad actors are actually patriots.

Alex Jones is working for the light. Trump is very intelligent — a genius.

Rishi Sunak is a patriot — the “UK PM install” from the Q drops. He can’t be bought, or accused of racism. He has passed the most important laws since 1690.

Financial restart eliminates poverty

Everything will collapse during the restart. Banks will not survive.

There will be no more poor people anywhere, especially in Africa. Families will never struggle again.

Everyone in Britain has wallet with money in it waiting — millions, for free. You will be richer than you can imagine.

BlackRock, Vanguard, and Brookfield are already taken down.

We are confiscating every foreign-owned home and business.

Societal and cultural shifts lie ahead

We are ending Islamism in Britain — and more. There will be no Zionists left here, either.

There will be no rainbow flags and pride. We are reversing the decriminalisation of homosexuality — an untreatable mental disorder. Same-sex couples in Iraq now face 15 years in jail: the same is coming to the UK next. Incidentally, never tell government your sexuality. Also, the transgender freak show is over.

Schools as we know them will be abolished. The judicial system, government, healthcare, policing — all gone, and we will rebuild them.

Sport is finished. You just don’t know it yet. Nothing you know today will exist, including football clubs. Football is finished — it’s over. Going in the bin.

30 million deported will leave many homes empty.

Changes in international relations

Travel abroad may be stopped for a year or two to let the dust settle. The same changes are happening in every other country. For instance, Le Pen will deport the British from France, and confiscate the property of corrupt politicians from abroad. There will huge upheavals in Australia and New Zealand.

If you are British abroad then you likely will be deported back here. Policies are down to respective countries.

All countries will have borders to stop migration. Once deported, people aren’t coming back. But the world will live in peace, and we will all be friends.

Don’t worry, I am going to clear America out too, as well. I have said many times the UK will see the biggest deportations in this kingdom’s history. The same is happening with America.

Issues of personal health and well-being

We have harrowing time ahead: many survivors will wish they didn’t make it. Only your life matters. You can replace everything else when it is over — except your life.

Keep off planes for now.

Protect your DNA.

Food may become scarce, so prepare.

Television drains your body’s batteries, makes you tired, and depresses your system. Throw it away.

Ground yourself — avoid shoes with rubber soles.

Get off pharma medication. That will be start of your healing process.

There are no “med beds” — it is all Deep State rubbish. Any “truthers” that speak of med beds are just Deep State voices, so easier to identify as such.

The future of Britain and Ireland

We will never again be third-class citizens in this kingdom. A paradise awaits us all.

Ireland will be reunited as one island. The United Kingdom will bring together Britain and Ireland. No borders. No chaos. No fighting. No marching. Free movement.

A lot of British families out there are living in absolute shit holes, not fit for humans. Many are homeless, or sofa sleeping. A lot of Brits need decent homes, and they will get them. They all can move into nice homes.

Housing won’t be cheap here — it will be free! There will also be free utilities and water for all in the UK, including the Irish.

We are not destroying anything if possible. That said, we will be knocking houses down — not rebuilding them. I got a lovely mansion in London courtesy of some oligarch I deported already.

There will be no elections; the current ones are to take down the filth.

It will be great to see London full of Brits again.

Keep driving — as the roads will be empty when everyone is deported.

A new world awaits

A bigger world lays under our feet.

The future we have laid out is on a thousand years plus timeline.

The best is yet to come — keep smiling.