A preliminary ingredients list of the most significant military comms in history

I am hoping that future diligent scholars will look back at this article as being pathetically incomplete and hopelessly insufficient. That said, working only from memory, I would like to make a stab at listing the “information ingredients” that make up the Q drops. This is meant to be initial and tentative, not exhaustive and final. No doubt there will be endless books and theses written over the years to come on the subject.
I have a heavyweight computer science background, and this article is also not pitched at my usual readership level. It should still be comprehendible, but I won’t be explaining every term and concept I use. It is meant as a go-to for other researchers to get a sense of the complexity of the drops, their precise design, and how they deliver the desired outcome.
My guess is that the drops are generated out of a model that is an extremely sophisticated military planning tool. It links to the underlying (and vast) battle plan, and influences every audience in precisely planned ways. I won’t be surprised if someday we find that they were crafted by a team of hundreds with a budget of billions. Whoever you are, and wherever you come from, I salute you.

The above meme I wrote summarises the Q phenomenon, and you can read the supporting article here. The focus of this particular article is the denotational semantics of the Q drops, which is how they encode information. It says nothing about the intentional semantics (like “Hillary Clinton is corrupt and must be brought to justice” — or not, as your opinion may vary), nor the operational semantics (say, how the drops are presented on on 4chan or 8kun and kept secure with trip codes).
Let me make that really explicit: we can study how the Q drops encode information without needing to have any opinion about MAGA, Donald Trump, the Great Awakening — or the media phenomenon labelled “QAnon”. These are entirely independent. You might think of this as being like studying poker without having to approve of gambling, or the pictures on tarot cards without subscribing to fortune telling.
The Q drops have to be understood in a specific context of a war of infiltration and subversion. There are legal constraints on what you can and cannot “officially” do and say as a government or military entity. The Q drops offer a way of skirting the formal rules without breaking them; everything has to be done “by the book”. The mechanism to achieve this is plausible deniability, with “tuneable doubt” as to the provenance of the information on offer. There is a “precision ambiguity and uncertainty” visible which suggests advanced design.
When making sense of the Q drops we should bear in mind that there are multiple audiences:
- Enemy actors — including criminals, foreign governments, military intelligence.
- The “anons” (i.e. active researchers and keyboard warriors)
- The “awake” public
- The “asleep” public
- “Own team” agents (police, military, government, etc) not participating as “insiders”
- “Insiders” who are deploying the military take-down of the transnational supermafia
- Allies in other countries
The specific interpretation of what is offered may vary with the audience, and not all information is meant for every audience. Every single item appears to be calculated to have a planned influence on its relevant audience(s).
Drop format
Everything in the drop has (possible) significance: its time stamp and date, ID, sequence in the drops, cryptographic trip code, message board used, device ID, and payload content. The meaning may not exist in stand-alone form; it may require combination with other data in drops, or comparison with external sources. Drop sequence numbers may be significant, in that the number also maps onto a date, event, code, or other meaningful object.
There are multiple formats of drop payload, including long form text, photos, memes, diagrams, hyperlinks, code strings, ASCII art, visual jokes, chess or game boards, and other quoted text from the message boards on which they appear. However, the dominant form of drop are sequential short statements in order — like “WATCH THE WATER” — many offered as questions using the Socratic method. These often have multiple possible interpretations.
The stripped down grammar (and frequent use of upper case) serves to increase ambiguity and the polymorphism. The content is also sometimes unsigned, and sometimes signed (e.g. “Q” or “Q+”). Capitalisation, spacing, and misspelling are also typically meaningful. Whether drops are subsequently deleted or not also has potential significance. They are usually read top-to-bottom but it is possible some should be interpreted the other direction, or interleaved in some way.
Future proves past method
Anyone can post to the message boards on which the Q drops appear, and hoaxes are a popular pastime there. It is natural to be skeptical of the information of offer, given its informal and unattributable basis. To gain confidence, credibility, and legitimacy the Q drops use a method of demonstrating foreknowledge that could only be held by a state actor in the most senior of positions within the United States government.
In the context of a war you cannot pre-publish your battle plan for all to see. Disinformation is also an intrinsic part of deception of enemy forces, forcing errors of action. This creates an asymmetry: of uncertainty (or false certainty) in advance of events, and certainty following their passing. The ex-ante uncertainty is generated by a vast space of ways in which to combine and interpret the Q data, which generates an impossible number of operational scenarios to evaluate and respond to. Any attempt to divine the battle plan from the presented data at best leads to false conclusions and unforced strategic errors.
However, the Q drops are structured so that ex-post the foreknowledge of the battle plan is indisputable. This is a little bit like how a one-way data structure such as a Bloom filter operates. We can demonstrate membership of the set of “foreknown events” without actually disclosing them. As such, those reading the drops may attempt to make predictions with a deadline, but this invariably leads to embarrassment. The broad direction may be certain, but the timing never is.
Furthermore, not all drops may be “activated” over time. Some may merely be options on specific branches of a strategic plan, to be used when needed. Indeed, some may be “data decoys” to push attention and action down paths that are unhelpful to the enemy, or to distract the public where operationally necessary and ethically justified.
Q “Proofs”
The colloquial term “Q proof” is (mis)used to describe an item of evidence that the Q drops are the intentional result of operational activity by high-level military intelligence actors. Individually each one is plausibly deniable, yet none are a solo “slam dunk” absolute proof (hence the misnomer). Collectively they are compelling as proof beyond reasonable doubt; you would have to be a “coincidence theorist” to dismiss them all as accidents, given the extreme odds.
The “proofs” can be “unlikely flukes” of events in the real world foreshadowed in the drops; specific words known in advance (e.g. from a report that gets declassified later, or speech yet to be given), the timing of some events (such as mentioning relevant content on the same day of the year in advance), or pre-knowledge or some phraseology, character, or location.
The “Q proofs” are a specific case of “future proves past” aimed at establishing quasi-official provenance of the drops. The wider use of “future proves past” gives the public confidence that they are observing a process planned many years in advance, and therefore should act according to instruction and remain calm when everything covert explodes into collective view. So all “Q proofs” use the “future proves past” method, but not all uses of “future proves past” are “Q proofs”.
Date and time formats
Drops have date and time stamps, as well as containing references to dates and times. These time marks can be seen as having association with particular timelines or “branches of possible events”. The structure of the time in the Q drops is not linear, and is primarily geared to cyclical time formats. The dominant (but not only) one is the “Q clock”, which is a “modulo 60” way of associating days passed from the initial drop. The “think mirror” approach also applies, with “+30 modulo 60” being the “opposite” arm of the same drop group.
The time differences or “deltas” between events have (enormous!) significance, and could be marked in minutes, hours, days, months, or years. There are also “offsets” in play such as “2 days ahead of schedule”, as well as “minor” errors as “noise” introduced to avoid excessive predictability of future events. Multiple calendars are in play, and could also reference Gregorian, Julian, Chinese, Jewish, Ethiopian, or Orthodox calendar formats.
Data manipulations
The data in the drops may only be interpreted after having been manipulated in some way. This includes:
- String concatenations and/or substrings
- Casts between data types, such as time of day (“12:03”) and drop ID (1203)
- Reversals (“think mirror”)
- Indirections via lookups
There may be visual allusions too, such a “\/” representing the letter “V”. The relationship between data elements may be “vibes closely with”, without perfect matches. Data (such as the drops themselves) may be in sequences, with adjacency being of significance.
External references
There are many forms of reference in the drops to external sources. These include codings for:
- Specific characters, such as “45” for President Donald Trump
- Meaningful numerology (with 17 as ‘Q’ itself being a signifier for ‘victory’)
- Military comms (like 55 or 5:5 for “loud and clear”)
- Books, notably the Bible
- Movies and their plots
- Historic events and dates
- Posts to social media like Twitter, Truth Social, or Anonup
- Specific players in the war, such as “P” as the leader of the enemy
- Astrology and astronomy
- Occult references
Enemies are typically indicated by enclosing them in square brackets in the drops.
The subject of gematria deserves a whole article of its own. In short, any string can be hashed (via addition of the letters and their position in the alphabet) and compared to others that hash to the same value. External lookup tables with frequency data give us alternative “matching” semantics.
My hope is that this article gives you a sense of the richness of the Q drop structure and content. One can examine and evaluate the drops as historical objects without having to subscribe to any political ideology, or decide what the eventual goal of them might be. Given what is presented here, I think you will agree that this is unlikely to be the work of amateurs — and definitely not “some kid in a basement”.
I have been deliberately terse in my presentation here: I am lazy, and did a mathematics degree so I would never have to try manual labour again. “Real” research and review of all the drops is a little beyond my time and energy resources right now. Hence this is just a starting point, and deserves proper expansion by others and illustration with examples. I will not complain in the slightest if you “rip off” this work and use it to begin something better and more complete.
My real goal is to get over the idea that the Q drops have a purposeful information architecture, created by highly capable professionals. By giving it my own spin as a computer scientist, I hope you can locate the Q drops as both a work of notable competence, as well as a subject worthy of proper academic study in the fullness of time.
Please feel free to send me corrections, additions, and questions.