Propaganda fractures our sense reality, like a cracked mirror, but reality isn’t broken

Wednesday night was a significant turning point in this bio-information war. If we are to believe the reported statistics, the interview of Donald Trump by Tucker Carlson crossed 100 million views in under 12 hours, and ended up trouncing the rival production at Fox News. Direct-to-audience distribution via the X platform outperforms the legacy mass media messaging by a huge margin. The predictions of the de facto collapse of the propaganda machine have come true. Reality is returning to fashion! We are at the cusp of a new era, and it is safe for the hammer to fall on the traitors, now that a critical mass of deprogrammed people has been reached.
For those of us who realised that we were being lied to on an industrial scale, and have known for years, this is an absolutely exhausting time to be alive, as well as an exhilarating one. We are constantly being asked to bridge multiple “realities”, the obvious ones being those of truth and deceit. I have come to realise that it is a little bit richer than that — it is not just true vs false, or Twitter/X vs Fox. By paying close attention to the many conversations I have, I get to see where different people sit in their journey of enlightenment (some being way ahead of me). What moves them forward, or holds them back?
Here is a tentative list of the diverse “realities” we have to engage with in daily life, which explains why this situation is so tiresome to deal with.
External realities:
- What is objectively real in terms of the world we can perceive (mind and body)
- What is ultimately real, and potentially ineffable (spiritual)
Self reality:
- What I currently believe is real
- What I fantasise, fear, dream, worry about, and feels “real”, but I know isn’t
Group socially engineered reality:
- What the mass media says is real (official narrative)
- What the controlled opposition alternative media says is real (official counter-narrative)
- What the media says that “non-believers” (a.k.a. “conspiracy theorists”) believe is real (official anti-narrative)
Deprogramming synthetic realities:
- The “floor” deprogramming “movie” that gives a new baseline consensus (e.g. “The Bidan Show”)
- The “ceiling” reprogramming disclosure process about hidden history etc. via plausibly deniable channels (prior to official declassification)
Mass lived realities:
- What the deeply programmed believe is real (i.e. a false reality)
- What awakening “normies” believe is real (i.e. dawning search for reality)
- What your “awake” (critically thinking) peers and seers say is real (i.e. path to enlightenment and embrace of uncertainty)
Cross realities:
- What I believe that other people around me see as reality
- What others believe about my perspective on reality
No wonder many of us feel tired and withdraw from the world! The simplest conversation in the pub over a pint of beer is like running a social marathon wearing heavy semantic combat gear. Is this person giving me their own considered view, or just reciting the groupthink they have been taught? Do they have any appreciation of where I am coming from, or are they speaking to a fantasy of me from some psyop? What are the acceptable limits of this encounter, beyond which they will become confused or angry? Can I slink off and go introvert on my own so I don’t have to deal with their delusions about what is real? Are they just pushing on my own buttons and crazies?
Just for fun, I asked ChatGPT what I may have missed, and got the following:
- Historical Reality: The understanding of reality as it has evolved through history, shaped by different cultures, events, and interpretations.
- Cultural Reality: The lens through which different cultural groups perceive and interpret the world, influenced by traditions, customs, and shared values.
- Personal Subjective Reality: The unique and personal interpretation of reality based on individual experiences, emotions, and perceptions.
- Scientific Reality: The reality as understood through the lens of scientific inquiry, evidence, and empirical observations.
- Virtual Reality: The digital environments and simulations that create a sense of reality, often experienced through technology like virtual reality headsets.
- Dream Reality: The experiences and perceptions that occur during dreaming, which can sometimes feel as real as waking experiences.
- Future Projected Reality: The imagined or anticipated reality of what might happen in the future, influencing decisions and actions in the present.
- Ethical Reality: The reality as perceived through ethical frameworks and moral values, shaping judgments about right and wrong.
- Emotional Reality: The reality as filtered through emotional responses, which can impact the way events are perceived and remembered.
- Interpersonal Reality: The reality that emerges from interactions and relationships with others, often influenced by communication and social dynamics.
- Perceived Reality: The reality as it is perceived through the senses, which can sometimes be distorted or manipulated.
- Narrative Reality: The reality that is constructed through storytelling, myths, and narratives that shape collective understanding.
- Nature-based Reality: The reality as understood through a deep connection with the natural world and its rhythms.
- Philosophical Reality: The exploration of reality through philosophical inquiry, examining concepts like existence, consciousness, and truth.
- Multidimensional Reality: The consideration of realities beyond the three-dimensional world, often explored in metaphysical and speculative discussions.
That’s a lot of ways in which to see the world! The more “realities” you list, the less integrated it all seems. As a synthesist, I want it all to tie up and reconcile all, yet the world steadfastly refuses to defragment itself to my timetable. How cruel! Yet there is a gift in the shattering of reality, if only one is willing to accept it. Now I can truly see how fear is what drives the pieces of the “mirror of reality” to break apart and be compartmentalised. MKUltra type torture is the most extreme example, but the Covid scam make it obvious how pervasive this is. Meanwhile, those who choose love really do “vibe” above the reach of the mind control and its division of shared understanding.
Many of us are waiting for the “hammer to fall” moment, the emergency alert system to activate, and a “new consensus reality” to emerge, ending our suffering from the fracturing and fragmentation. What I have come to realise is that this too is an illusion, and only satisfies a surface or ego-led desire for integration and reconciliation. The only “sane” approach to the splitting of reality is to embrace the brokenness, and accept whatever the contrasts tell us. Yet there is a catch: to avoid descent into a pit of relativistic despair of endless confusion and conflict, we must at the same time embrace the holy, sacred, and heavenly.
Philosophers have a long list of fancy words to categories our relationship to reality. As part of the lazy way of writing essays, let’s hand it over to ChatGPT again:
- Essentialism: The belief that objects have inherent qualities or characteristics that define their identity.
- Materialism: The view that the physical world is the only reality and that everything can be explained in terms of matter and its interactions.
- Idealism: The belief that reality is primarily composed of ideas, thoughts, or consciousness, rather than physical matter.
- Dualism: The idea that reality consists of two fundamentally different substances, typically mind and matter.
- Monism: The belief that there is only one fundamental type of reality, either mental or physical.
- Nominalism: The rejection of the existence of abstract entities and the belief that only individual objects exist.
- Pragmatism: The philosophy that the truth of an idea is determined by its practical consequences and usefulness.
- Existentialism: A philosophical movement that focuses on individual existence, freedom, and the search for meaning in an uncertain world.
- Empiricism: The theory that knowledge is derived from sensory experience and observation.
- Rationalism: The belief that reason and logic are the primary sources of knowledge and truth.
- Phenomenalism: The view that reality is composed of mental phenomena and that physical objects are only representations of these phenomena.
- Solipsism: The belief that only one’s own mind is certain to exist, and the existence of external reality is uncertain.
- Nihilism: The rejection of traditional values, morals, and beliefs, often associated with a belief in the meaninglessness of existence.
- Constructivism: The idea that individuals construct their own understanding of reality through experiences and interactions.
- Relativism: The belief that truth, knowledge, and reality are subjective and dependent on individual perspectives or cultural contexts.
- Absolutism: The view that certain principles or truths are universal and apply universally, regardless of individual or cultural differences.
- Pluralism: The belief that there are multiple coexisting realities, perspectives, or truths.
- Panpsychism: The theory that consciousness or mind is a fundamental property of the universe, present in all things.
- Objectivism: The belief that reality exists independently of human perception and that objective knowledge is possible.
- Positivism: The philosophy that knowledge is derived from empirical observations and scientific methods, rejecting metaphysical speculation.
Reading this list, I note my own affinity (or repulsion) to each term, the impossibility of them all being true at once, and the hopelessness of finding a final resolution to those differences using only my mind. I could spend years studying these matters, yet (in a way) be none the wiser, because it’s not a mental matter, but a spiritual one. As such, what I also observe is the total absence of those earlier keywords: sacred, holy, heavenly — as well as divine, godly, righteous, transcendent, enlightened, loving, or spiritual. At best they are alluded to as metaphysics or mysticism. The theological has been edited out, and that’s a real loss.
There is a fundamental asymmetry I have come to appreciate: we can objectively identify lies, as they divide reality, without having to fully define truth, or even be able to observe unity. Peace, whether internal or worldly, is not something you achieve by working for it directly; rather, it comes from the steadfast elimination of all the “not peace” from our lives. Seeing all that there is from the highest possible perspective — you pick your own label — there never was a war. Everything works towards progress and learning, even the most depraved acts of evil. If you want inner peace, you have to only relate to that one place of the conceptual ideal of all of reality, where true peace is posited to exist.
It is a choice, and my longing for a more worldly resolution to conflict has been a distraction from relating to the divine. I can now look back at my telecoms career, and see the underlying drive to promote concepts like Recursive Internet Architecture (RINA), which is the theoretical limit of “highest cohesion and lowest coupling”. RINA is not just a “good idea”; it is a sacred quest. Everything that falls short is to fail to venerate our highest potential; everything beyond is to reject limits imposed by a higher power. Yet if I had stood on stage and said we need to rearchitect the internet because of spiritual reasons, I would have been seen as even more of a loony than having become a “conspiracy theorist”.
Narcissists manipulate, accuse, and gaslight. It is what they do. By its nature, their way of being in the world is unloving and unkind. The culture of narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy is pervasive. We have seen psychology professors tricked into wearing muzzles, media studies professors completely fail to identify propaganda, and philosophers instantly buy a fabricated narrative — all of them because they live in fear, and have detached from the highest place of peace. If you learn all the fancy concepts above, but fail to be loving, all you have done is arm yourself with tools of control and the spread of more fear. Yet it took the extreme fracturing of reality for me to learn this! My own spiritual progress was only possible due to mental distress at a hallucination of competing realities, when there only ever was one in the first place.
So there is no wait for “white hats” to step forward, news of arrests, military tribunals, abolition of treasonous institutions, return of stolen taxes, the end of debt slavery, or the removal of brainwashing. These things are desirable, and may happen on their own time, but the longing is always a wish for a demanding physical resolution, and thus is a rejection of the easy metaphysical one. Everything always was exactly as it was meant to be, else it would have been otherwise. There only ever was one reality of “everything that is now”, even if we live in a quantum multiverse and can surf timelines. The pain of reality being broken was purely a fearful conjecture of my own mind; a self-imposed spiritual hardship I can lovingly choose to step away from at any moment.
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