We have been subjected to subtle and pervasive identity attacks that need reversing

Many of us have been involved in battles with the administrative state that have shown us how we are enmeshed into a fraudulent system of counterfeit legal persons. While “Martin of the family Geddes” has inalienable travel rights, for instance, “Mr Martin Geddes” is forced to pay for the privilege of passing on the public highway. The former reflects my status as a man, the latter as a title of “mister” — and the difference is everything. We have been reduced from living and breathing creatures of God into 2D avatars that fit within the four corners of a piece of paper, and subjugate us to contracts.
The fraudulent reduction of the rights of free man to the conditional liberties of chattel is a story that others have told far better than I can. It is a crime, and one of the critical moments in my own growth has been to learn the word “personage”, which is the historical label we give that crime. Paired with another archaic word that describes assault through abuse of the law — “barratry” — we have the totality of the diminution of the sacred into the profane via tyrannical government and captive courts. While we await liberation from the ubiquitous debt slavery and captivity as surety for legal persons, there is work to be done in our personal lives to spring us from unconscious relational and spiritual chains.
It is an unpleasant reality that each trusted relationship or institution we ought to be able to depend upon has been subverted by this legalistic doppelgänger fictional world. As an example, I recently wrote about the difference between Godly marriage and religious matrimony. The former is a status, “I am your wife”, the latter is a character, “I act out TheWife™”. When we go to an altar and say “I do”, rather than “we are”, then we are engaged in self-will, not divine will, so we are not being joined by God. The individual is taking up the power reserved for the Creator, and declaring they will omnipotently “make it so”, regardless of any impediments (like misaligned values).
The catastrophic divorce rate stands as testimony to the arrogance and hypocrisy involved, yet this is normalised, as is paying tax tribute. Each of us has been put into a fractured and psychotic state, as we have to occupy two incompatible identities, one as man or woman (of infinite worth and innate freedom), and another as a legal person (enslaved to constant legal and financial abuses). Our families are suffused with this schizophrenic structure, and it may be stable only as long as both parties are equally yoked to the pursuit of the material. Should either awaken to the deception and attempt to “escape the matrix”, then they will be regarded as having abandoned the contract and acted dishonourably; a perverse morality tied to our coerced roles.
The difficult situation we have to confront is that we have been “larping” — live-action role playing — at spousing, parenting, coaching, nursing, pastoring (and more) as we jump between these incompatible real and role identities. In the case of marriage, the symbols of union are widely adopted, like diamond rings and anniversary gifts, but the substance is drained away by the business agreement. To be truly in union is to both be in pursuit of “in the world but not of the world”, rising above the exchange of commerce, and supportive of the other when they are persecuted for rejecting the fallen morals of the money-mad world. It is easy to make excuses for staying in the corporate-minded mode, but ultimately you cannot serve two masters.
A holy marriage is between a man and woman, who can only be joined by God, not the state, which lacks any such authority. Birthrights like inheritance are taken away by legislation, and then leased back to us as “civil partnership”. Even the language we use is subverted: children are born in genuine marriage, not birthed (berthed) to the maritime law state. Matrimony ties the legal persons to the register of births, so that the next generation of serfs can be tracked and traced. It is very painful to realise that you have “married” and spawned children only to act out programmed role expectations, and not through any genuine attachment to the sacredness of the divine union.
When I look back at my own life and family, I can see how I have failed to both be an example of holy values, and also been unable to pass them on to my own children. I was “married” — then “divorced” — but the scare quotes reflect the worldly arrangement that was never divine union. I was role-playing at “husband” and “father”, identifying with some of the role expectations based on warped role models, but never quite at the deepest level being the essential sacred status. We might seek therapy or counselling for our family dysfunction and generational curses, but the professionals are either colluding with the personage problem (like priests) or oblivious (like psychologists).
The omnipresent larp goes beyond the immediate family roles, and infects other aspects of life. We might attend a corporatised church, and play-act at righteousness and resisting the ways of the world, all while participating in the commercialised rites and waving the 🇺🇦propaganda🏳️🌈 flags of the day. The doctor play-acts as healer, the indoctrinator play-acts as teacher, and the policy enforcer play-acts constable. Each performs acts in-role that would be unconscionable if the uniform is removed, justified by adherence to procedure in the treatment of a “person”. I am sure the judge last week would have been embarrassed to speak at me the same way outside of court.
That we have adopted damaging factual behaviours to support fictional roles has another aspect, which is pervasive narcissistic abuse. From what I am told, the narcissist is not someone with excessive self-regard; quite the opposite. They have an under-formed ego, due to having failed to properly separate from their mother and individuate. To compensate, they create a false self, and then “snapshot” others into acting support roles in their false identity. Anyone who breaks out of that fixed identity, and rejects their abusive warping of reality, is attacked for breaking the expectations and needs of the narcissist. The legal fiction is a perfect mechanism to propagate a narcissistic (and even psychopathic) worldview.
We are all being abused by the state, which imposes role obligations without consent, like “council tax payer” — a form of slavery. It is easy to condemn the “macro narc” of the government, but each of us is likely to have a “micro narc” fight on our hands somewhere in our extended family, community, or work circle. Each narcissist in our lives will use titular roles (and their expectations) to get what they want, regardless of the cost to the status of the other. We are unconsciously bound to these role rules that are founded on persons and titles, and the emancipation of society from these invisible shackles is a multi-generational project. Indeed, the mass psychosis of identifying with persons over souls means likely persecution if you revolt alone.
It takes conscious effort to distinguish between the status of son and title of Son™, status of preacher and title of Preacher™, status of lover and title of Lover™. Mankind makes progress through technology, and it is temptingly easy to reduce each other into tools that support our internal narrative and presumed roles. The confusion and conflation of statuses and titles is so universal as to be almost maddening, once you become aware of it. People who are married in spirit are often not in law, and vice versa. Titles can be awarded or sold, but status cannot, so the commercialised state has every incentive to license to us counterfeit versions of every single relationship and institution, for a fee, and denying the legitimacy of the truest way of being.
It is almost trite to say “nothing is what it seems”, but there is truth in this aphorism. It feels to me like the bonds to all these misbegotten roles and titles are dissolving away in my own life, as they cannot be sustained as I “raise my own vibe”. The titular version of Martin is someone who family members can relate to, but I am no longer him; my status has evolved along with my own spiritual growth. It makes me illegible and unrecognisable to those who used to occupy my social and familial circles, but those relationships depended on my being lowered to a person in their play, and not fully a man of conscience. I cannot go back to pretending to be a person and playing those roles.
The effect of Babylonian spiritual beliefs on society is so ingrained and unexamined that it cannot be reversed in an instant. You could have 24-hour TV telling people the hidden history, and instant reversal of all the iniquitous laws, but the consciousness of enslavement to persons takes time to develop. We have to come to terms with our own existence, and that of our families, being the result of choices influenced by enemies of humanity, using hidden hand mechanisms to corral us into corrupted versions of familiar relationships. Recognition that each of us has been larping in some way, as part of an “omnilarp” society, is a slow healing process. While we might enjoy rapid restoration of bodies with medbeds, the social has no “madbeds” to fix our crazies.
We have been asked to identify with being both alive (as a man/woman) and dead (as a person) at the same time. You might go to an office to administrate persons, and then come home to children, yet are supposed to switch paradigms (and moral codes) in an instant. Even our entertainment revolves around persons and roles — think of how professional sport categorises and labels the interchangeable units of competitors. Deprogramming us from a cosmology of persons, roles, and titles — back to men/women, relationships, and statuses — is a vast cultural engineering project that we are only just embarking on. It is an awakening on a more profound scale than just rejecting “corruption” of the few; it is the restoration of the soul of the collective.