Why does that broadband industry, supposedly a “high technology” one, lag behind old and largely defunct industries that now have reach the “museum piece” stage?
Fresh thinking
Why does that broadband industry, supposedly a “high technology” one, lag behind old and largely defunct industries that now have reach the “museum piece” stage?
When you plug into a broadband socket, what you are accessing is a distributed computing service that supplies information exchange. What is the service description and interface definition? For inspiration, we can look at the UK power plug.
A significant barrier to progress in telecoms is not network technology, IT systems, or the products on offer. It is pervasive and invisible: the management system in use, and its implied paradigm for quality control.
The recent Internet outages caused by the DDoS attack on Dyn’s infrastructure highlights deep architectural issues that need resolution. Security and performance are intertwined, and both need fundamental upgrades.
The broadband industry is struggling to gain visibility and control over the experience it delivers to customers. How to bridge the ideal into the present reality, and provide a realistic path to upgrade our capability to define and deliver service quality?
To BEREC Board of Regulators Consultation on document BoR (16) 94 Dear Sir/Madam, I am a computer scientist who specialises in network performance. I consult to tier 1 operators, equipment vendors and NRAs. I am also involved in the technical and commercial development of quality-assured broadband services.I have undertaken (in my own time and at my own […]
Everyone is familiar with broadband ‘speed test’ applications. When you have an ISP service quality problem, it is common to grab one of these tools to see if you are getting the service you feel you are entitled to get.
I have been having a number of conversations recently with several clients and colleagues about “semantics”. It’s clear that there is not a lot of clarity on this philosophical subject! Whilst is may be an obscure issue, it is a very important one. Our ideas lead us to take actions, and if we want those […]
Interview with Dave Page, CEO, Actual Experience – specialists in Digital Experience Quality For several years, I have been writing about how broadband services need to become more outcome-led. Thankfully this has become a less lonesome task over time. As such, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dave Page, CEO and Co-Founder of Actual Experience, who are […]
Imagine a book on astronomy that didn’t mention planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, light or gravity. You’d find it a bit of an oddity, no? Well, that’s the situation we have in broadband policy: a body of literature that has collectively disconnected from the underlying physical reality.
I am an expert on the telecommunications business. I help senior executives to make sense of what is happening, anticipate what is coming, and to act decisively in the face of uncertainty. My long-term professional goal is to facilitate three paradigm shifts: for data networking to become a true science; for voice to evolve its own native form of hypermedia; and for cloud-based enterprises to have the most efficient and effective possible means to communicate with their customers - Martin Geddes. Contact us here
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