The telecoms industry is fatally caught between reinventing circuits with 5G, and an envy of vertical application businesses. Survival is not mandatory.
Fresh thinking
The telecoms industry is fatally caught between reinventing circuits with 5G, and an envy of vertical application businesses. Survival is not mandatory.
∆Q is the mathematical language in which supply and demand for broadband performance can be expressed. Here are examples of high-fidelity ∆Q measures.
We take modern communications for granted, and assume that emails arrive ungarbled. This was not always the case, as a century-old telegram shows us.
Voice has joined the hypermedia revolution, becoming rich a data type. VoiceBase has taken pole position as the “Google of semantic contextual voice”.
The airline industry and the telecoms industry are both forms of transport. How can telcos learn from air travel disruption management challenges?
How well does the telecoms industry service the needs of the very poor in developed countries such as the UK? How can we do better?
I am, allegedly, an expert in telecoms. This is not possible, as the telecoms industry does not really exist. So what does exist?
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller The telecoms industry is facing a profound shift, comparable to digitisation in the 1970s and cellular in the 1990s. It is moving to networks that match supply to demand under […]
My life has involved a number of challenging situations where I had to pick between alternate and mutually exclusive realities being presented to me. Doing so has involved the pain of relinquishing a false reality. In the process of doing so, I have come to learn how to cope with “unreality collapse”, and indeed to […]
The user experience of packet networks is an instantaneous phenomenon. The common industry performance metrics fail to reflect this fact. As a result, we cannot adequately measure, model or manage the user experience. Are you ready for The Big Decision?
I am an expert on the telecommunications business. I help senior executives to make sense of what is happening, anticipate what is coming, and to act decisively in the face of uncertainty. My long-term professional goal is to facilitate three paradigm shifts: for data networking to become a true science; for voice to evolve its own native form of hypermedia; and for cloud-based enterprises to have the most efficient and effective possible means to communicate with their customers - Martin Geddes. Contact us here
Martin Geddes Consulting Ltd is a company incorporated in Scotland, number SC275827.
VAT Number: 859 5634 72.
Registered office: 17-19 East London Street, Edinburgh, EH7 4BN, United Kingdom.
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