The stars and planets are aligning in a calendar of celestial craziness not seen before

There are many indications that the total eclipse in America on Monday is the start of something big. Whether the day itself is obviously epic — Nibiru? ETs? DNA activation? — we have yet to discover. That said, there are objective things happening in the world, like declared states of emergency along its path, that presage something monumental. As I scroll through social media I pick up links to posts that have dates in them, and put those into my calendar application. Over time, a picture emerges. Some dates pass with nothing obvious aligning, but others were clear foreknowledge.
There are many calendars in play, including the Gregorian, Julian, Lunar, Enochian, International Fixed, Hebrew, and more. Some events necessarily tie to particular physical days, others can have many interpretations. I am not a soothsayer, just a digital magpie picking up shiny information objects. This is my loose interpretation of how it might fit together as a timeline, adjusting in particular for the 13 day offset between Julian and Gregorian calendars. I will probably be off by 13 days in putting some things into a Gregorian timeline that belong on Julian. None of this is prediction, merely collation of data for you to make sense of as you see fit.

The listing begins by mapping the plausible “crumbs” from 13 days ago to today, mixed in with events that directly map to today. It is obvious at this point we’re dealing with geniuses at codes and cryptography precision engineering plausible deniability under multiple disclosure accounts. My specialism was telecoms, which is the opposite — compute the “identity function” at a distance, so don’t mess with the data at all. I dislike doing puzzles, they annoy me. Just reassembling the “packets” for you to work with is my job over!

4th April (Gregorian calendar)
(3/22 Julian) US Navy comms — Enemy ammo spent; Trump launching his coup.
(3/22 Julian) Banks shut down for minimum 3 days.
(3/22 Julian) Gematria for cryptocurrency
(3/22 Julian) VK — RIP Petro Dollar
(3/22 Julian) Sixteenth decisive battle
(3/22 Julian) Skull and Bones Day — ready for anything!
(3/22 Julian) World water day (financial liquidity reference?) — may be to XRP AMM feature on 3/22
Back to the future (key movie reference – time travel – 88mph has numerology significance)
Moon day (crypto?)
Cyber blackout
Leave the world behind
Microsoft, NATO, MLK anniversaries
Shot heard around the world
The Event
Dow Jones coming down
Chris Brown — X

5th April
(3/23 Julian) Mr Pool — Initiate — Yes, yes, yes
(3/23 Julian) Large pump
(3/23 Julian) Puppy Day (DOGECOIN)
Parasyte movie
The first omen
[Deleted post — “Settlement”]
Also… “Laylat al-Qadr, Islamic festival that commemorates the night on which God first revealed the Qurʾān to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibrīl).” — Britannica.

6th April
(3/24 Julian) XRP 5 trillion market cap overnight
(3/24 Julian) XRP moons
(3/24 Julian) Merry Christmas
AI war
A good day — new UK financial year
Now, nuked, the sign
[Deleted post — “XRP freedom”]
[Deleted post — “Over $1”]
[Deleted post — “Freedom”]
[Deleted post — “589”]

7th April
(3/25 Julian) Day of resurrection
(3/25 Julian) Christmas gift
(3/25 Julian) Blackout
(3/25 Julian) Eclipse on 8th is BS
(3/25 Julian) End of war in Ukraine
(3/25 Julian) EU destruction
(3/25 Julian) Indictments, March madness
(3/25 Julian) Moon day
(3/25 Julian) Traditional New Year
(3/25 Julian) Mr Pool — Escrow overnight
(3/25 Julian) Captain America — Avengers — POP!
ChongQing dams go
Impossible dream

8th April — Eclipse Day
(3/26 Julian) Emergency Broadcast
(3/26 Julian) Joyous day
CERN — Aiwass demon
Collapse and reset
Sky event
Bolt of lightning
XRP bull run begins
California targeted
Trump conjunction
Donnie Darko movie release
Final game
Instant payments
Q — JFK Jr
Sign of Jonah
Q — World will soon understand (x2)
Q — The start
Twitter — storm is upon us
Timelines converge
JFK — two worlds collide
Bowie — resurrection
[Deleted post — “Trump”]
Is also Easter on the International Fixed Calendar, as well as the new moon (inevitably, being an eclipse).

9th April
(3/27 Julian) Almost done
(3/27 Julian) Please stand by
(3/27 Julian) Final stage
(3/27 Julian) Japan – first domino
Lots of Q drops for this day… just one here:
Q — class action lawsuits

10th April
(3/28 Julian) Biblical
(3/28 Julian) Day 88
(3/28 Julian) Ethereum
DEFCON 1 — WW3 psyop to end all war?
The Crown

11th April
(3/29 Julian) Disease X
(3/29 Julian) Regulations
(3/29 Julian) Zero day
Calm before the storm
I Pet Goat 2 film
Also Eid al-Fitr — end of Ramadan.

12th April
(3/30 Julian) Three body problem
(3/30 Julian) WOW (alien disclosure?)
(3/30 Julian) King Charles III dead/buried
(3/30 Julian) XRP moon — happy (x2)
Civil war movie
L4 day (L = 12)

13th April
(3/31 Julian) Burst of light (Betelgeuse?)
(3/31 Julian) China? (Dec = 12 = 1+2 = 3)
(3/31 Julian) Cicada 3301 (3301 = 331 = 3/31)
(3/31 Julian) Mr Pool — what can you do?
(3/31 Julian) Kate Middleton
(3/31 Julian) The time has come
(3/31 Julian) The end of 2023
Great Seal
National emergency
[Deleted post — “Suddenly”]

Hope that gives you a loose sense of what might be about to unfold. There are some more notable nuggets in my calendar after that (* = adjusted for Julian to Gregorian):
14th April — Titanic crashed
15th April — Alamo*, Assassination*, Last day in office*, Nuked*, XRP $1500*, Believe — also USA tax day
16th April — Arrests*, Pi Day*, Australia lockdown, The Flip
17th April — Christmas*, Harvest*, HyperNovelty barrier*, Hammer*
18th April — Keys to the kingdom
19th April — American revolution, Bitcoin halving, XRP victory day, 13 days of preparation
20th April — 111th day, Hitler birthday, X peer-to-peer payments, Jupiter-Uranus conjunction
21st April — Declas and arrests, Haiti revealed, Q — six years
22nd April — Antimatter factory, SCOTUS, XRP payments
23rd April — St George’s Day (England’s national day)
24th April — Sun/Moon
25th April — Final settlement
27th April — JFK speech
28th April — Done in 30, First fruits, Resurrection day
29th April — Bloody streets, Lunar 322
1st May — Crazy ones, Gold buyback, Gold 1933, and Martin’s birthday!
3rd May — Waters abated, Skynet
5th May — Orthodox Easter, Game Over, Satoshi 589, Shot heard around the world
Not just a week to remember, it seems! Have a happy apocalypse…