Hard drugs, homos, and hookers

The de-bastardisation of the emancipated family

Save our scene #saveourscene

Well, at least that’s the title of my autobiography sorted. If you are hoping for a salacious tell-all, then I am going to disappoint you: that book has yet to be written. I am heading in a completely different direction in life — so take it as ironic first. This is an article about marriage, family, and fertility, penned from the perspective of my own repentance from a lot of wayward misadventures. The offered hypothesis is that the masses have been scammed into a form of matrimony that results in only illegitimate offspring and universal fornication. The “obvious” erotic sinners are not necessarily the most fallen ones.

Many marriages, even “successful” traditional ones, are strained right now as one partner (who has seen through the normalised lies) goes “off the reservation” of the accepted range of beliefs, to the distress and embarrassment of the other. People who have been together for decades can suddenly part ways; their bedroom won’t hold two universes. The lack of spiritual alignment is surfacing that we entered into child-bearing unions that did not have sufficient spiritual enlightenment. There is copious evidence of a foundational problem in the inception of our families and conception of our children.

What if the “marriages” we have (or have had) are all “titles” (as if we were a jester character in a stage play), and not a status (like being a living man or woman)? And what if the consequence of that was we have been tricked as a society into only producing “bastard” offspring, outside of the divine plan? Furthermore, what if the wickedest part of that trick was to get those who adopt a religious spirit (but good intentions) to pridefully elevate themselves above those of a secular mindset — who simply failed to participate in the ruse?

When marriage is framed as a title, it becomes like an honorary degree, or knighthood from the monarch. Calling someone “Sir” doesn’t make them a noble character; it is just a symbol, not the lifestyle. Likewise, labelling a man and woman “Mister” and “Missus” doesn’t make them into a husband and wife in true divine union. The authority it appeals to is worldly: the union pronounced by a priest has no tangible impact on the wisdom of procreation by the participants.

Marriage as a legalistic institution is attached either to canon law, with its religious organisations and corrupted texts, or to civil law, dominated by politicians, lawyers, and judges. There is nothing holy about a system of control to compile an inventory of the human herd, and ensure compliance with the asset management policies of the slave owning class. That said, discerning we have been offered a counterfeit matrimony is not easy, since the “white wedding and happily ever after” is so etched into our culture.

Here is the problem: those “marriage” vows are self-will, not divine will. You are attempting to use your own power to make spiritual awareness and alignment appear out of nowhere and nothing, and it cannot be done. Vows are set up to create hypocrites who inevitably fail to keep their promises, so one breach leads to another. “Hypocrite” is a word whose root is “actor”, implying we take on a mask of false identity to fit an ordained role in the great screenplay of life.  Even the act of “deciding” to get married and “proposing” is self-will; celebrating it with blood diamonds is a blasphemy.

The “wedding” is a singular event, which creates great business for corporatised churches and the many accessory enterprises. The result is “wedlock” – a key and chain that bind you to a legal and social contract. It dignifies infatuation, possibly at a distance, but is less honest than prostitution. It appears respectable, but is deeply corrupted, and possibly reprehensible. The “sacrament” is the unholy ritual; a focus on form, not substance of the divine union.

In an age of deception every union faces opposition, even if unseen. We are all struggling with multi-generational family curses, as well as the Babylonian system of debt slavery. Upon reaching sexual maturity, we may leave our parents and exit the childhood nest in order to “start a family”. What we typically mean by this is we have sex so there are grandchildren — i.e. more “registered” serfs! What we are really doing is “continuing the family drama”, not genuinely “starting a new family”.

If one partner sees through the scam of personage (turning a baby into a thing), then they are trapped. There are heart-rending stories and tragic battles, for instance around childhood vaccination. In this warped format of wedlock, there is an inevitable divergence between the holy and worldly, splitting family and society, via the unconscious continuation of cultural programming of oblivious slaves. The church-state conjugal axis creates captives to doctrines that sabotage genuine freedom of mind, body, and spirit.

We are taught about sex as a bodily act, but little is said about what is in the mind and the heart at the time of orgasm. Literally all of human life, when conceived outside of transhumanist technology, is the result of this moment of intensity. Are we dreaming of a porn scene? Another lover? Our own pleasures? Or of being father and mother? The holist order? Or absolute gratitude for life — literally conceiving it? Only in later life am I realising that I was misguided and misinformed about this sacred energy exchange, with consequences alluded to in the title.

It strikes me that we are “sharding” ourselves by believing we can shift effortlessly between “procreative sex” and “recreational sex”. Rather belatedly, I have come to recognise there is truth in the spiritual dysfunction of contraception, since it facilitates self-gratification via objectification of your partner, and removes focus from the family unit. Most tragically, it denies people the most powerful sexual experience possible, which is complete union in the pursuit of the divinely constituted family — without any reservations of conscience or residual harm.

That said, we have to be careful when simply viewing this matter through existing conservative and liberal lenses. “Traditional marriage” is not the same as divine union; in many ways, it is quite the opposite, being a lifeless prison of paperwork, not full sexual and spiritual emancipation as a couple. The corrupted churches have a self-interest in maximising the number of “customers” in their pews. While it may be a rocky road for the LGBT crowd to recognise how they have been poisoned and allied to a paedophile cult, the Churchians have a “pride march” with every contract marriage, which is arguably even more damaging to society.

As I have documented on multiple occasions, I was dragged through the Jehovah’s Witnesses as a child by my mother, in defiance of what she had promised to my father when they entered into wedlock. In a memorable vignette, aged around 8-10, I can still recall a preacher decrying masturbation to a full stadium of worshippers in Twickenham rugby ground one summer assembly. I had no idea what the word meant, but was determined to find out! There was condemnation of the “obvious culprits”, like homosexuals, but only to shepherd the flock into the undersell of the contract marriage under worldly authority.

I could never have learned the deeper truth about marriage and sex in that context, as its essence was to sabotage the natural divine masculine and feminine of my own parents. Who themselves went through a church wedding ceremony in 1967, and are still living together. If you asked them if they are married they would wonder “why the doubt”? But they are not, I would say, truly married into a single unit, as there remains spiritual divergence — something I continue to bear the costs of as the firstborn. You may have your own stories of how your parents’ worldly marriage fell short of the ideal.

What I am coming to understand is that marriage is a status, not a title. Wedding two people together is process — being welded together into one, via unity consciousness. They cannot harm the other; it is self-harm. Achieving this requires healing your own trauma and family curses; not act them out or projecting them via narcissistic abuse. Everything has been inverted or warped, and covenant marriage is the core institution that evil must corrupt, since it creates veneration of something beyond the material and temporal.

The paradox is a “common law” type marriage — with no chains, and no contract — may be the one that has the best chance of creating “families anew”. Given what has been done to us with the conversion of children into chattels at birth, the current statist marriage institution has a looming existential crisis. And so it should: in a divine union, both partners will foundationally understand that they serve God and not Mammon. When the state wants you to “go along to get along”, then you not only have backing at an undivided home, with comfort from persecution, you also have marital allies all over.

I am going through a belated realisation that I have been doing it all wrong. Sex is an act of worship, which is why it is often a feature of cults, either in its promotion or denial. All life come comes from (male) orgasm. What we eroticise as we orgasm is definitional to who we are — individually, as families, and as a society. These are very difficult conversations, as everyone wants to condemn others who are fallen in easier-to-damn ways, without reflecting on our own need for contrition. That we have raised-up families “born in wedlock but out of divine union” is extremely painful, especially as our children stray into worldly (and deadly) ways.

In the “Great Awakening” movement for truth and justice, there is the common saying that “family is everything”. Slowly, I am grasping the literal truth of this, and how society has to reorganise around bloodlines and dynasties in order to recover from eugenic genocide. None of us want to admit we have been deceived, often into embarrassing and shameful failures. While it is easy to decry the hard drugs, homos, and hookers, the real issue is how a compromised form of marriage — becoming title rather than status — has subverted society and enslaved us to the business world.