Are local councils terrorist organisations?

At what point does the mass shakedown of the public via extortion cross that line?

Enforcement agent visit

I came home from a road trip a few days ago, and with all the persistence of herpes, there was another missive from Durham County Council, delivered by hand. Longtime readers will know of the whole saga of fake debt, fake summonses, fake courts, fake orders, and fake enforcement for council tax. Case law is clear that you need the paperwork as per the legislation, there is no paperwork as nobody wants to be on the hook for the fraud, yet the councils and their agents persist in stealing from the public, largely with impunity. It is organised crime under the umbrella of official administration.

It is part of a wider system of treasonous harvesting of the public for money. Although it is in the adjacent topic of Penalty Charge Notices (i.e. fake fines), this video is a succinct and thorough introduction to the illegality involved. Specifically, it violates the constitutional protections of the Bill of Rights 1689, which is very much still the law of the land in England. Endlessly reasserting authority you do not have does not make it so; it just deepens the injustice. I specifically stole the phrases from this video around “simulation of a court of law” and the request for their indemnity insurance details.

The critical piece of case law is Leighton vs Bristow and Sutor (PDF), and if I was feeling more formal and thorough I would have used this response template. What matters is enough of us making it clear that we know they are a crime syndicate masquerading as public servants, and that severe criminal penalties are due for this kind of fraud. Maybe I should ask for details of “Mr Hill” (who won’t exist) just to document more of the criminality involved? The extreme level of extortion and violence involved here arguably amounts to economic terrorism, with life imprisonment an appropriate punishment upon conviction.

For your amusement, here is the notice I am dropping off in person. Remember, the estoppel process I have previously documented means it is a fact in law that they don’t have the necessary paperwork, and hence this is not a lawful debt enforcement process, but is criminal extortion. I really will file a claim this time, probably at the High Court, as I have had enough of their games, and am willing to go back into the arena and make a stink. I might be able to withstand the threats and bullying, but others are being sunk into extreme poverty, or pushed into mental breakdowns and suicide. This institutionalised theft has to be stopped.

To John Hewitt 
Chief Executive
Durham County Council

Notice to cease and desist
Notice of claim for damages

The enclosed paper (copy provided) was found in my letterbox on return to my home this week. It lacks a date, the name of a man or woman accountable, details of the legal person being represented, legible signature, and reference to authority to act for a purported debt. A further unwanted and harassing text message from your CDOS unit was received today.

To enforce any debt by attendance at a private residence, lawful authority is required. As Leighton vs Bristow and Sutor (2023 High Court Swansea KBD) makes clear, this must be the authority of a court of law, not merely self-conferred authority to act as an agent of the council. Furthermore, it must be provided as written proof of claim, not hearsay, as stipulated in the Tribunals and Courts Enforcement Act 2007 (TCEA) para 66.

As per my estoppel notices dated 13th November 2023 (notice of fraud), 11th January 2024 (opportunity to cure), and 2nd February 2024 (notice of default), Durham County Council agrees by acquiescence that there is no written authority to act for Council Tax debt to my name or address related to the years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. There are no court proceedings or court order in relation to any purported debt for the subsequent period 2024-2025.

As such proof of claim has been requested in advance, and does not exist, there is no lawful authority for Durham County Council to attend my home or demand payment. Making threats for monetary gain while knowingly lacking authority is the textbook definition of extortion. Durham County Council is wilfully acting outwith the law in relation to the enforcement of purported Council Tax debt, which results in both civil and criminal liability. You have been asked to cease and desist on multiple previous occasions, the most recent being 19th September 2023.

You are once more and finally notified to cease and desist all further enforcement action, as you lack lawful authority. Furthermore, there is reason to believe that Council Tax hearings are private banking tribunals acting as simulations of public courts of justice, while in fact being courts of revenue. This itself is a criminal matter of fraud and treason. The requirement for lawful written authority, with resulting accountability, is to safeguard the public against exactly this kind of abuse of due process and serious organised crime hiding under administrative procedure.

I have previously withdrawn implied right of access to my property, most recently restated on 19th September 2023. Where the authority to act is known to be defective, Durham County Council cannot rely on TCEA para 66 clause 8 as defence against trespass, as there is no reasonable belief to be acting according to the schedule and with a non-defective authority.

You are notified that this enclosed unwanted paperwork constitutes a malicious communication under the Malicious Communications Act 1988 Section 1(1)(a), as evidenced by the lack of authority, and failure to give a full name of a man or woman accountable as required by a common law notice.

You are notified that this conduct constitutes a breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 Section 1(1), as there is no lawful authority to act, and there are now two or more instances of unwanted communication.

You are notified that this course of conduct constitutes a common law trespass against my property and person, as well as a breach of my peace, as there is no lawful authority to demand money with menaces from me.

You are notified that by failing to record that there is no lawful authority to act and that the implied right of access has been withdrawn, Durham County Council is in breach of the Data Protection Act 2018 Article 5(1)(a) and Article 5(1)(d) which require accurate records used with integrity.

You are notified that by failing to adhere to legislative due process in a wilful and malicious manner, Durham County Council is in breach of the Human Rights Act 1998 (UK) Article 8.

You are notified that this malicious effort to extort monies without due process is in breach of The Theft Act 1968 Section 21 which outlaws blackmail, and the coercing of anyone into giving up something of value under threat.

Finally, you are notified that these unlawful enforcement actions constitute a breach of the Fraud Act 2006 sections 2, 3, and 4 as the Council is knowingly making false representations about the debt or its ability to enforce it.

I am seeking damages for your harassment, trespass, and breach of my peace. Based on the precedent of Leighton vs Bristow and Sutor I am claiming £4,000 to compensate me for the relentless campaign of unlawful debt collection and harassment.

These actions of Durham County Council are a reprehensible policy of extortion under the colour of law and gross breach of public trust, seeking to profit at the expense of the public, using fraudulent debt instruments. Given the clear case law of Leighton vs Bristow and Sutor, I claim these are sufficiently oppressive, arbitrary, and unconstitutional as to warrant the rarely met threshold for exemplary damages. The claimed amount should therefore be doubled to £8,000, to dissuade further attacks upon the public.

I request that you forward your proposal for payment within seven (7) days, after this period a claim will be filed.

I also request that you furnish me with details of any legal indemnity or insurance policy you hold, be it personally, in your role, or as an enterprise. I wish to notify them of the claim, and as many other people may have similar claims, this may raise your premiums.

Martin Geddes

I don’t see this hideous abuse of trust and power going on much longer. It is so nakedly and brazenly criminal, those lower down inside councils must finally be asking themselves is the carrot of a salary and pension is worth the risk of conviction for serious organised crime. The growing volume of pushback from the public makes it impossible to argue ignorance or innocence.

If you are reading this, have you considered that the lack of accountability and action thus far is to make you overconfident, and commit as many crimes as possible as part of a sting operation against corruption? This is while being watched — by military intelligence who deal with terrorist offences by those acting on behalf of enemies who have infiltrated our local and central government.

You have a lot to lose by aiding and abetting terrorism — like everything.

One for you to ponder.